Monday, 18 January 2021

Three things you must know if you want to make steady income from football betting.


People are loosing money in football betting, because they are ignorant of this three things.

Knowing this three things will help you make steady income from football betting

1. Have a strategy.
2. Lost attract more lost.
3. Don't stake more than you can afford to loose.

1. Have a strategy:- Having a good strategy is the major thing you need to make steady income from football betting. Let me give you one example of a good strategy. Choose 2 to 3odd daily and also choose a spacefic amount that you can be using to stake on this 2 to 3 odd. Let this 2 to 3 odd not be higher than 3 accumulation.
This is the strategy that i have been using for a very long time now, and ever since i started using this strategy, there's no week that I don't withdraw money from my betting account.
Let us assume that you started with #5000 and you choose to stake #1000 on your daily 2 odd.
For  instance here is your selection for today.
Liverpool - Everton :- Liverpool to win 1.30

Roma - Parma :- Roma to win 1.40

PSG - Lens :- PSG to win 1.21

1.30x1.40x1.21=220 odd
When staked with #1000 your potential winning will be #2200. If eventually you won the ticket, you will make #1200 as your gain for the day. When your money increase to #10000 you can also increase your daily stake from #1000 to #2000.
When your money increases, you keep increasing your daily stake to help you make more money. To get daily free 2odd visit this prediction site am about to show you right now. The name of the website is Betcounsel click here to visit their website.

2. Lost attract more lost:- Whenever you lost your stake it's advisable you give your self a break, like one day off, unless you are not the one predicting for your self.
Someone who is new to betting will not understand this.
When you lost a ticket you will be eager to recover your lost, on that process you will become more greedy.
Let assume you are looking for 2 odd daily and on your previous stake you lost #2000.
On your next stake you will like to recover your #2000 and also make gain, on trying to achieve that, you will now decide to look for 6 odd instead of 2 odd on that process you will see your self accumulating more game than before,at last you will end up loosing more money.

3. Don't stake more than you can afford to loose:- Football is a risky venture. There's nothing like sure game/bet. No matter how sure you feel the match is, don't stake all your money on one ticket, so that you won't end up hitting your self.

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