Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Make Massive Income Online Selling Information

written by: Okonkwo Chigozie
The Basics Of Information Product Marketing.
This Page will reveal a lot to you even if you are new to the internet
OR a professional, so just make sure you are following.
Firstly, the word information should tell you something. Millions of
people visit the internet looking for Information that would add value
to their life. Let me explain:
Can you remember when you or someone you know visited like and typed something like “who is the richest football
player in the world” or “who is the tallest man in the world”. What you
were looking for is INFORMATION! So information product means
giving out information in a packaged way or formatted way. For
example go over to and search for “how to make
money online”. Do that now!. The result from Google will be much. You
will find lots of articles and websites that has the answers to that
question [how to make money online?]. But do you know that what you
find as your result when you type that question in google was not an
information product?. OK to make it understandable for you, here was
the result i got when i did my own search:
nline&btnG=Google+Search &meta= (appears when you are online)
The result are not information products,they are only informations. Do
you understand the difference now?. To put in another way this is not
an information product:
=Google+Searc h&meta= but this is examples are information product
at; . An information product is what explains
particular information or provides the direct answer to a problem. You
will understand more of that as we progress. So like the headline of this
page says: How to make massive income selling information product
...”. The aim of this page is to make you an info-prenuer or an
information product marketer. An information product marketer is
someone who sells information products. You are going to be an
information product marketer soon because you will be selling
information product{s} after reading this article.
Understand this, if you go to the supermarket and buy a polish. That is
NOT an information product! But if you go an buy a book on “how to
make polish” that is an information product!. The person who sells the
“how to make polish” book is an information product marketer or
infoprenuer. OK?. Where does the money come from? I intend to
answer this in detail as we get along. I said you will make five figure
every single month. The next question should be, HOW?. I remember
when i was just getting new to the internet and i will visit some
websites that will have things like “ I made $5,000 in 30 minutes or How
i made $150,000 in 45 days”. Just like you i use to wonder where does
the money come from?. Are these things real or scam?. The truth is,it is
very possible to make N500,000 in one month selling information
product in Nigeria and to Nigerians.

So if you are asking how possible it is for someone
to make five figures a month in Nigeria, it will come from people buying
your product, in most cases a product of value. There is lots of
possibility in information product marketing...
Before i move to the next topic let me state a very important point that
will determine if you will be successful in online business or not. Treat
your Internet business as a business and not just as a money maker. A
lot of Nigerians come online seeing it as a money maker. They think
that when
you come online you will just “click a button” and then money will start
rolling in. It doesn't work that way. When you go online and see
something like “how i made $50,000 in 24hrs”. The truth is that some
of them they have been online for years, with thousands of clients and
subscribers that buys from them. In my first month online i made less
than $300. Prepare to spend at least 1-2hrs a day
doing something very productive. Be prepared to spend hours reading
materials and resources that will expand your online knowledge.
Information Product: Nigerian OR International Market
This page is for one purpose to show you how to make lots of money
through information product marketing business in Nigeria. A lot of
people would have love to make dollars not the Naira. What is the
difference? Why should you spend thousands of Naira trying to make
money online in dollars when you can just kick-start your business in
the Nigerian market and still make good money. I am not against
making money online in dollars, infact i love it and i am building most of
my income around it but what I have find out is that if you try to get
into the international market without enough
money with you, you are likely not to make much money or not even
make money at all. To build a successful international information
product marketing business you will need the following:
1] A domain name and hosting---- that cost about $100 a year
2] Getresponse account----- $17 a month
3] Knowledge of web-design , email marketing , list building e.t.c---the
money you spend on this is unlimited
4] Advertising fee –like google adwords , viral marketing ezine
advertising e.t.c
I can go on and on giving you reasons why starting out with the
international market might not be a good advice. At least if not for
everything consider the fact that with the Nigerian market you don't
need a click bank account. Your money is paid directly into your
account. You don't need $100 for google adwords with just N6,000 you
can make 10 times the money you invested from just a single advert. I
have spent 6 pages explaining the theoretical aspect of information
product marketing giving you the basic information you need to get you
started. Right now i am getting practical where i will give you the real
“stuff” that you have been waiting for. Let's Begin.
How To Build A Successful Information Product Marketing Business
Previously i said that millions of people visit the internet on a daily basis
searching for information. Then i said an information product marketer
is someone who sells information. Building a successful information
product marketing business is easy if you will follow the steps that i will
outline here:.
1]Hot market to target
2]Product packaging
3]Sales Letter and Advert writing
4]List building and email marketing
This simple 4 steps is all you need to build a successful information
product marketing business. Let’s discuss each step in detail:
1] HOT MARKET TO TARGET . . . how to know a hot niche market in 15
minutes As you plan to get into information product marketing, i must
tell you the truth. The most important aspect is “targetting the right
market”. Firstly the market you are targetting is called a Niche market. I
believe you must have seen or heard that word before”niche market”.
A niche market is a market containing a group of people that has a
particular need or are in need of a particular solution. For example here
in Nigeria a lot of people are getting interested in Forex trading. So if i
decide to create a product or software that solves a particular situation
for Forex traders that makes Forex trading my niche market. If your
product solves the problem of back pain, it means you are in the health
niche. Also another point you should know is this: For every market you
find, there is always another market in the market. I just gave an
example that if someone sells a product which solves back pain he is
said to be in the health market. But the truth is this. Though his market
is the health market his niche market{or targeted audience} are those
with back pain. His product will be meaningless if he tries to sell it to
those that has high-blood pressure even though they are all in the
health market. Read this carefully,
The success of a product depends on how much the people needs it
and the number of people that needs it!
This is where most people fail. Please don't be among them. Before you
come out with a product {i will explain how to do that later} make sure
that the people needs it and that the number of people who needs it
are much. Last year i came out with a product on how to open a paypal
and clickbank account. I don’t need to tell you that a lot of Nigerians
are in need of such a product and the number who needs it are much.
Think of the market. Will the market buy this product? That should be
your first question before you create any product.
How to know a hot selling product in 15 minutes
By now you have known what a market or a niche market is and also
what a product is. A hot market means a market that is really in NEED
for a particular product or a solution a problem they are having at the
moment. When you bring up a product for that market and really
solves the problem and
provides the solution-it is said that created a Hot Product. For example
a lot of Nigerians come into the online business world with the problem
of not knowing how to get a credit card to pay for goods online. Provide
the solution to that and you will definitely smile to the bank. What
about the number of Nigerians that are in need of a reliable solution on
how they can open a clickbank and paypal account to run their online
business...provide the solution and Laugh to the bank. The Wrong Way
To Know A Hot Market. The only we have “good” is because of “bad”. If
there is a right way to know a hot market and then create the hot
product that means that there is also a wrong way to know a hot
market. One of those ways is to follow your passions. On the internet
you don't follow your passion you follow the demand. It is not”what do
i have or know” that will make you money online, the question is “what
do the people what”. If i am expert is making excellent polish and then
without making any research i went ahead to create a product. No
matter how good my product is i won't make a dime. Once again if you
want to make quick money online don't follow your passion, follow the
The Right Way To Know A Hot Market
If you miss this part then this whole article wont make sense to you. I
create hot and sizzling products by knowing hot and sizzling markets in
Nigeria. Firstly you must recognize that your potential customers are
Nigerians. So you will learn to think like one.
1] Read Adverts In Newspaper
Assuming that you already have a product is mind that you think will
sell. The next thing you need to do is to look out for newspapers that
will have more readers that might be interested in your product. When
you have purchased the newspaper or magazine the next logical thing
you need to do is to look out for product or services that you can find in
the paper. Firstly, browse through the paper columns and find out for
the problems that are most talked about or even the solution that have
just being discovered. For example i read Success Digest Extra! And i
noticed that a lot of noise was made about information product
marketing business and the profit potential behind it in the various
columns. Being smart i went ahead with some research and today the
result is this article that you are reading for free. All things being equal this
report will fetch N300,000 in less than 3 month after launch all from
reading one edition of Success Digest Extra that cost me N100. The
same thing can happen to you. If for example you are targetting the
Import And Export Business. Creating a product like “How to run a
successful import and export business” may not do well. The market
may not need it. So what you do is look around for newspapers and
magazines that talk about the market you are in. Look out for a recent
solution that the market has found or a problem they are in. Through
your research you could find something like “5 most successful export
products” A product like this will do so much financially.
Sometimes i look at the advertorial page for adverts. If i noticed that a
particular product is being advertised several times from several
marketers, that means there is a demand for such product. All i need do
is to create my own in a unique or better way.
2] Brain Storm Market Ideas:
If you are completely new and don't know where to start from, here is
what you can do. Go over to the book shop again and purchase about 1
or 2 newspapers that you often read. Remember that you often read.
When you have them look out for products that you know the people
need. Firstly the question you should ask yourself is: Why Do You Read
That Newspaper? Your answer to that question will help you a lot. If
you don't answer the question you might never start your own
information product business. If for example the reason you read
Success Digest Extra, Punch or Money Wise is to learn more about
penny stocks trading and how you can make more returns through your
penny stock investment. That would be a good market to start with. As
a soon to be information product marketer the next step is: To take a
sheet of paper and a pen. Write out the followings:
• What are the major problems the people are facing or what do you
think they will need ?
• What are the problems that you are facing in that market and would
love to have a solution to Your answer to the question is already a
bestselling information product. Right now as i am writing this the
penny stock market is hot right now. Think about making it your market
to target.
3] Locate Successful Product Launches:
This article is all about piggybacking. That means i am showing you
simple techniques that helps you fly on someone else shoulder in 5
minutes rather than trying to eat the right food and exercise that would
take you an extra 10 years to get the height you want. A lot of Nigerians
are sleeping in what i call “known but hidden wealth secrets”. They are
looking for something else where without knowing that it is in them.
Too bad!. Here is one of them: Have you read a newspaper lately or
heard about how someone created a product or service that made and
is still making him millions?
For example, Let’s assume you read is Success Digest Extra on how one
of their staff or writer held a seminar for N5,000 and had about 300
people who came for the seminar or how someone created a product
that brought him N150,000 cash in the first week of the product launch.
I believe you have seen or heard of such before. When next you see
that kind of testimonial you should know that you already have a
hungry market waiting for you to tap into. The only reason I know that
the penny stock market is very huge and would be a profitable market
is because i have a friend who specializes in stock. Each time he holds
seminars on penny stock he always make nothing less than N400,000 as
direct sales from seminar fee, this year alone i think he has had more
than 6 of such seminars and in August he is planning of holding another
one at the price of N15,000 !. To know a hot market in Nigeria is simply
by looking out for “repeated” success from a seminar or products –
which simply tells you that the market is hot. Also, I got to know that
targeting the football market in Nigeria with a product on “Foot Ball
Betting” will make you money, if not how on earth will Akin Alabi be
able to earn N315,000 in just 4 days after he created a product on it?
Check that yourself at So don't try to create your
own hungry market, find a hungry market through my piggy backing
methods and you can start locating hot products and hot markets.
4] Attend Seminars:
Before i explain that, let me explain the difference between a hot
market and a hot product. You see just because a market is hot doesn't
mean the products in that market are hot. And to be a successful
information product marketer you must constantly be creating not just
products but hot products.
The “Make Money Online” niche market in Nigeria which of course i
know you belong to is hot. I mean just check out the number of adverts
you find on newspapers and magazines that talks about the market. But
you see not every product will be hot especially now that the
competition is increasing on a daily basis. To know a hot product, the
same steps you used above to find a hot market is what you used to
find a hot product. I talked about penny stock market is a good one at
the moment. I can boldly say that if you create a product about the
basics of penny stock strategies with good marketing plan you can
easily make a million, the reason is that as i was looking out for hot
markets which brought me to the penny stock market i got to find out
that most products” that are available in that market right now are
seminars and not products like e-books or videos. Did you get my
In September 2010, i created a product on how to open a paypal and
clickbank account in Nigeria , this ebook was average yet it made over
N200,000 in sales in it's first month alone and every since then i make
an average of N40,000 a month from this same e-book. Why? Because I
found out a hot market and then I found out a hot product too .Simple
another piggybacking method i use to generate ideas i s by attending
seminars regularly. I find it hard when i see some soon-to-be
information product marketers who don't attend seminars. Successful
People Never Stop Learning. You shouldn't too!. Assuming as a
complete new internet marketing beginner you got to know that a
market is very hot and a product targeted to such market will product
lots of sales. The next wise thing you should do especially if you don't
know so much about the market or the product even though you know
it will be productive is to attend seminars that talks about the market
or purchase products that are related to the market. Seminar expands
your knowledge about any market, never forget the words of Brian
Tracy that To Earn More You Need To Become More!. And that
happens through acquiring knowledge. Ignore the amount it might cost
you to pay for the seminar because everything being equal with your
successful product launch you will make FAR more the money you paid
in attending the seminar[s] . I think i have been able to explain simple
methods on how you can know a hot market and even a hot product in
15 minutes or less. Don't dilly dally, get started with something today,
In fact start now. Starting writing ideas as they flood your minds put
them on paper as we move on to the second step on how to create a
successful information product marketing business in Nigeria.
After locating a hot market and product the next question would be
how do I package this information product? Information Product
Packaging simply means putting the information in a format that would
suit the potential customers. For some others the information product
you will create would be in an e-book format, just like the one you are
reading now. For some others in might be in a video format, audio
format, seminar, articles, e-course e.t.c Most information products are
created in e-book formats sometimes they are called Digital products.
In less than 5 minutes from now i will show you how to package your
information product in ebook format for free. Yes it cost nothing to
create an e-book. But before i do that, if you think that your
information product will best be in video or audio format then your
solution lies in you paying N2,500 into my account for me to ship you a
complete 20 minutes video tutorial CD that shows you how to do that
plus a $300 camtasia video software that creates videos automatically.
This software alone sells for $299 at With that
said let's begin the process on how to write an ebook.
How To Package Your Information product In E-book Format
An ebook means Electronic Book. The advantage of creating your
information production in an ebook format it is that it doesn't cost
anything and since it is digital once you your buyers or customers
purchase it all you do is to send them the link and they download it
instantly unlike a CD where they will have to wait for days before it get
delivered by the courier. Before you continue with creating your ebook
it is better for you to first learn how to write an ebook. To help you with
that i have outsourced for a simple article by an internet marketer that
made over $100,000 last year as profits as he shows you simple step
that you can use to make your e-book writing faster and quicker. The
link is a discussion in a forum called THE WARRIOR FORUM and you can
find the link here:
Now let's look at how to convert your written product into an e-book
There are several ways and websites that helps you do that, for me i
use writer and you can find that at
find the download page, download it on your system, follow the
instructions using the writer you will be able to convert your material
into an e-book in less than 10
seconds instantly!. Also there is another website that you can use and
my friend from Iran, Ladan Lashkari a 21 year old girl that is making lots
of income online wrote an e-book titled” How to write an
e-book in one day” that sells for $27 at; Well
for purchasing this material you don't need to pay another $27 to have
access to that material as i will hand it over to you for free:
Here is your access to the information;
Username: member492
Password: onedayprofits
There you have information that sells for $27 given to you for free.
You have just chosen a market that you consider profitable, and then
you have an idea of how your product will be packaged. Well with all
that you still won't make your desired profit until you master sales
letter writing or copy-writing and advert writing. Believe me even if you
create a product that can almost be gotten for free but you have
excellent skills at sales letter writing you can make a
N1,000,000 from your product while someone with a perfect product
but poor sales letter skills will be struggling to make N50,000 from his
product. In other words a good product is not enough without an
excellent sales letter. What is a sales letter? A sales letter is that which
sells or talks about a product.
Simple!. Quickly go over to the following websites:
All this are called sales letter because they are talking about a product
or service. Your sales letter is your sales man. Remember you wont see
MOST of the people that will request for more informations about your
product to be able to convince them yourself, your sales letter will do
the work. There are three MAJOR features that makes an excellent
sales letter and they are:
[a] A compelling Headline
[b]Eye-catching body
[c]Money Back Guarantee
Go over to and search for more articles on how you
can write sales letter or copy-writing technique and
Your headline has to be compelling. It has to catch the readers
attention otherwise they wont even bother reading the rest of your
letter or sales letter. Which of this catches your attention:
“I am looking for 25 motivated people who haven't made a single dime
online to help them build a powerful business that pulls in $700 all
within 6 weeks..Guaranteed”
“you can make your life easier and get rich through my product ideas”.
What about this headlines,which attracts more attentions:
“Stop wasting your time watching football matches only learn
how to make $150 every month through football betting without
investing a dime” AND
“I love watching football like you. so i advice that you learn
some new ideas in football money secrets”. Of course in each of the
examples i gave above the first adverts catches your attention more. So
the first step to writing a good and excellent sales letter is to write good
headlines. Make your headlines bolder than the remaining words in
your letter. Once again a good and catchy headline will make the reader
want to read the rest body. In most cases be specific about what your
product is about through your headline. For example the headline in
this e-book reads:
“How to a five figure information marketing business through
piggybacking that pulls in five figure every single month..Guaranteed”
That is being specific. You read the headline and if you are someone
who is interested in Forex trading or online survey you might not
bother reading the rest letter because in the headline it is clearly stated
that what you are going to read will be about information marketing
business. Ok? I write my sales letter with full concentration, do the
same too. Even if it takes you 5hours to write
a good 500-1000 word as your sales letter do it. Do me lazy. I prefer
tasking my mind to write an excellent sales copy in 7hrs that write
some trash all because I am trying to be lazy. Because at the end of the
day i will make more money than the person who doesn't invest that
much time. The second thing you should consider in writing your sales
copy or sales letter[they are the same] is the body of the letter. Start
with a story or a question. Make it very interesting. Stretch the readers
mind that he wont be able to stop until he gets to the end. Yesterday i
took a book by Sam Adeyemi “Parable Of Dollars” to read. He wrote
this book in 2001. I wanted to just browse through the book for 1hr and
continue with something else. Well when i took the book as at 4: 50pm
i didn't leave the book until it was 9:50pm. That's true I added extra
4hrs reading the book from cover to cover. I even went offline
yesterday because of a 7 year old book. Why? Because the body was
catchy. The articles inside where very inspiring. Use the same tool. If
you need more informations about sales letter writing just go to
Finally always use Money Back Guarantee in your entire sales letter. No
matter what market you are targeting always promise to return their
money back if they don't feel satisfied about the product. And make
sure you do it. If you make 10 sales and return 2 sales back to your
customers that complain about not been satisfied about your product,
that’s not bad at all. Mike Filsaime when he created butterfly marketing
product he made over 200 refunds.
The product sells for $1,500 at that
means 200 refunds equals to $300,000 !!!!. But Mike is still happy with
his product because he has made thousands of orders of which there
was no refund. Meanwhile if you created a product and made 10 sales,
then in few week time you had done like 5-7 refunds. There is a
problem somewhere. Look out for what the problem is. It might be
your product is not giving them the answer to the questions in their
mouth. I hope you are following. Another thought i want to bring to
your mind. Is that if for example you have a website where you are
selling a product to the Nigerian Market. You will need to place an
advert where you direct them to your website. But if you don't have a
website all you do is write an advert where you ask the readers to send
an email to you{preferably to your auto responder account} forget the
full details. If you are using a website. That means you will need to pay
for one year domain name, webhosting, web-design and then one
month getresponse account. That might cost you about N15,000, so i
advice that you use the second method. That is use only a getresponse
account { especially if you don't have much to invest for now}. That will
cost you less than N3,000. And you won't make less than someone who
is using a website...That is very true. As at the time of writing this i
haven't sold any of my product to Nigerians through a website i make
thousands every month.
What the people need is a product that will solve their problem and a
good sales letter that attracts them..that’s all. But this techniques
works only when you are targeting the Nigerian market. With less than
N10,000 you can kick off with the Nigerian market but if you are
considering the Global market with your own information product you
should have nothing less than N22,000 with you..all things being equal.
This is the final stage. Let's quickly look at the previous steps of what it
takes to build a five figure information marketing business: Firstly, Look
for a hot market.
Then look for a hot product to sell. Secondly, Package your product in
either an ebook or video format. Lastly, write a good sales letter for
your product and a good advert too This three steps are what you need
to make good money online. But i don’t just want you to make good
money online, i want you to
Control money online. List building and email marketing is the key. I
believe you must have heard that the money is in the list. Oh, i just
remembered something before i continue, i want you to write down
this website It is the biggest internet forum
online. Visit it and become a member. You will learn a lot there. It;s
Free!. Why should you build a list? The answer is numerous. If you
created a product and then you made 50 sales from it with a total of
200 subscribers. One month later you created another product that is
in the same market with the previous one you sold. Without a list you
will need to go back into advertising again, which will cost you more
money. But with a list all you do is to email your 200 subscribers that
bought your first product informing them about this new one. And
before you place any new advert you would have already made sales in
ten's. That is the power of list building. Let me explain everything in
details. In building a list the first thing you need is an auto-responder.
An auto-responder has numerous benefits which i will explain later.
One benefit of an auto-responder is that if you are using my
piggybacking strategy you won't need a website. Yes. Here is what an
auto-responder can do for you: Firstly, an auto-responder helps replies
emails that are sent to you automatically. That means if you open an
auto-responder and store your sales letter and follow-up letters, that
means is that if even 300 people send you an email in one day to that
auto-responder account, you won't need to reply any of them. Your
auto-responder does that. There are several of them available. For me i
is less than $17 a month. Let me give you a practical example. If you
want to open a paypal account without using a USA bank account or
address i can help you do that. I am serious i can help you open a
paypalaccount in just 15 minutes. To get more details send me an email
to: . That is a practical example of the
power of auto-responder, which means when you send an email to you will get instant replies
that i have already written few months ago. Try that for yourself. So
when people start sending an email to your getresponse account, they
are automatically in your mailing list. Which means even if they are
1,000 or 10,000 you can send them a mail in less than 2 minutes and
every one of them will receive your mail at the same time. So go over to and see things for yourself.
Also read other features about opening an auto-responder account
with through the following links:
In piggybacking what i am saying is that instead of you opening a
website all you need is to write your advert and then include your account e.g .
Interested buyers send you emails, they get instant replies. Make the
payment, receive the products while you sit at home watching your
Favorite T.v program. I believe that unlike most Nigerian marketers i
have taken extra time to explain to you all the necessary steps that you
need to take if you want to make serious money online through
information product business using piggybacking strategies.
These are the proven and tested ways you can create and market your
information products successfully.
Okonkwo Chigozie
Phone number: 08066672471
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1 comment:

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